Welcome to the home of the Little Yarn Lady!

Hi! My name is Brianne Hughes and I've been crocheting for years. Anything you can imagine can be breathed to life through yarn, and thats just what I do. From a simple bow, to a hat, to a full-blown blanket, theres very little I cant make.

Please look around my site and admire the work I've done! If anything tickles your fancy feel free to check out my Etsy shop to see what I have for sale, or contact me directly if you would like a custom creation for yourself.


Thanks for checking out the Little Yarn Lady!

About my pages:
Hats- A collection of the different styles of hats I have familiarized myself with creating thus far.
Headbands- For when a hat is just too much.
Big Projects- Afghans and shawls for the cute little baby or the classy lady, respectively.
Little Projects- Some iconic symbols you may recognize.
Accessories- The little things you might put on before a fun night out.
Amigurumi- 3-D, stuffed, crocheted nicknacks.
Custom Crafts- Fun projects I don't normally make, for special occasions, or for you if you ask!